The Madison Zen Center hosts a variety of Meditation Retreats including Sesshin and All Day Sittings. Please note that all attendees are required to have attended our Intro to Practice or have approval in advance. See email link below if you have questions or would like to schedule a private Intro to Practice appointment.
A Sesshin is a period of intense meditation (zazen) held over two to seven days. Sesshins are typically done in silence and seclusion and offer people the opportunity to focus solely on their practice without outside disturbances. About ten hours of formal zazen is performed each day, and more is encouraged. We host 3 Sesshin retreats each year.
All Day Settings: We also offer all-day sittings one Saturday a month from 6:30am-3:30pm. These mini-retreats offer people the ability to focus on their practice for a day, and loosely follow the traditional Sesshin schedule. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Please check the calendar for upcoming dates.
Please email us if you’re interested in learning more about attending an upcoming Sesshin or All Day Sitting.